June 15, 2012
June 20, 2012NEW YORK, (June 16, 2012) The Boxing Promoters Association (BPA) reacted swiftly in an unprecedented act of establishing a “figurehead” for the sport of boxing in the wake of the controversial decision rendered last Saturday night as challenger Timothy Bradley was awarded a highly controversial decision over welterweight champion Manny Pacquiao from the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. The bout was viewed by fans in the United States on HBO Pay-Per-View as well as throughout the World via other mediums.
On Tuesday, the President of the BPA, Joe DeGuardia sent a letter to all promoters announcing a call to “oversee” our sport, as other major sports league owners do as a group, by having the BPA take the steps necessary to ensure that fighters and fans have the most competent judges and referees in professional boxing matches.
The letter by the BPA was met by immediate and overwhelming support by virtually every promoter in the United States. The promoters confirmed their support for the Boxing Promoter’s Association to take measures as best to ensure, among other goals, that the sport take corrective action to train, grade and monitor officials and the all important selection process. The BPA is not looking to dictate officials for matches, but simply to ensure, to the best of their ability, the fighters and the public have transparency and knowledge the best officials are assigned to the major events.
“I am proud that the promoters have taken a giant step in organizing boxing in a positive fashion and believe it will boost the credibility, integrity and health of our sport,” said DeGuardia, a former New York Prosecutor and Golden Gloves Champion.
The Boxing Promoters Association was formed two years ago expressly for the purpose of protecting the well being, growth and integrity of the sport of boxing.
Upon receiving such overwhelming support from the promoters, DeGuardia contacted various State Athletic Commissions and the Association of Boxing Commissions (ABC) in the BPA’s commitment toward working with commissions to effectuate positive reform with the public.
“I am pleased that the Commissions have also recognized the value in working together for the common good of the fighters, the public and the sport. They have accepted our call for collaborative efforts and indicated a willingness to be a part of the BPA’s process. We are committed to positive communication with the regulatory agencies toward the further growth of the sport.”
Tim Lueckenoff, the President of the ABC stated: “The ABC continues to have an open door policy and it is willing to listen to the concerns of the Boxing Promoters Association and work towards uniformity.”
DeGuardia concluded, “this precise type of dialog can only benefit our sport, fighters and the fans, moving forward. I can’t say it enough, but if we’re going to succeed in protecting the fighters and the public, it is an open door policy like this that will give us a fighting chance to create transparency for all while working with the ABC and the various state commissions.”
991 Morris Park Avenue. Bronx, New York 10462
Ph: 718-823-2000 Fax: 718-823-6330
President: Joe DeGuardia