Joe DeGuardia Champions are defined as those who reach the pinnacle of their chosen field. Joe DeGuardia has exceeded this definition, turning the pursuits of his passions into repeated success stories. In the ring, the courtroom, the office or the classroom, DeGuardia has proven to be a true Champion time and time again. Born and bred in the Bronx, DeGuardia, the son of a professional prizefighter, excelled in school. Boxing competitively since the age of five, DeGuardia started fighting in organized boxing tournaments at the age of nine. Through the years, DeGuardia won numerous titles in boxing, including the coveted NY Golden Gloves Championship in 1988. Consistent with his ability to master separate fields simultaneously, DeGuardia won the Golden Gloves Championship while graduating in the top of his class at Hofstra Law School. Upon graduating, DeGuardia started his work as a lawyer prosecuting cases for the Bronx District Attorney’s Office. After his success in the District Attorney’s office, DeGuardia founded the law firm that bears his name. The Law Offices of Joseph M. DeGuardia is a highly regarded, successful, Bronx-based law practice that has been repeatedly recognized for its exemplary service. Notwithstanding his work as a lawyer, DeGuardia always remained professionally active in the boxing world. DeGuardia moved the community based Morris Park Boxing Club, which his father had founded, to a new and improved location. In his capacity as chief operator of the club, DeGuardia transformed the business into one of the busiest boxing gyms in New York, while also using it as a base from which to launch his larger business as a top boxing entrepreneur. True to his abilities, DeGuardia excelled in boxing while succeeding in the District Attorney’s office and in private practice. During the years, DeGuardia has promoted numerous boxing stars and world champions and has been recognized as a leader among his peers. In fact, the United States Senate has called upon DeGuardia’s expertise and testimony while formulating landmark legislation pertaining to the boxing industry. Most recently DeGuardia was elected President of the Boxing Promoters Association by his peers.